21 Home Organization Hacks You Can Easily Try Yourself

Are you looking for some quick and easy ways to declutter your home? Our professional home organizers have collected 21 of the best home organization hacks that you can easily do yourself.


Not only will these organizing hacks save you time on everyday tasks, but they can also help improve the look of your space. From cutting down on stress with organizing tips to saving money with clever storage hacks, there's something here for everyone. 

These hacks can make your life easier and reduce the clutter in your house.

Bedroom Organization Hacks

Your bedroom is supposed to be a place where you can unwind and relax after a long day. When there’s clutter and piles of laundry to fold (or wash), it doesn’t feel that way. Try these organizing tips to help bring that calming feeling to your bedroom.


1. Use a Pegboard

A pegboard with hooks is such a versatile way to store a variety of your belongings. Try hanging accessories like your necklaces, bracelets, and rings from the hooks. You can also hang scarves, hats, handbags, and other accessories. Another option is to stack your accessories vertically on a paper towel holder makes it really easy to know exactly what options you have. This way, you can quickly see what you have that matches your outfit without taking up closet or floor space. It can also help you use some of your favorite pieces of clothing and accessories as decor in your bedroom. 

2. Use Narrow Wall Space Near Doors for Small Items

If you have narrow blank walls, these are a perfect spot to create additional space in your bedroom. Hanging hooks, baskets, or shelving can create a lot of usable space, especially when stacked vertically.

You can also use a shoe organizer hung on your closet door to store shoes or other items to give you additional space in your bedroom. 

3. Try a Bar Cart for Bedside Essentials

If a bedside table doesn’t provide enough space, try a bar cart! These carts usually have two to four tiers and fit perfectly in small and tight spaces. This way, you can have easy access to anything you need frequently at bedtime. Plus, you can visually see everything you have instead of losing items to a drawer.

4. Utilize Under-Bed Storage 

If your closet is feeling chaotic, try utilizing the space beneath your bed for storage. If you don’t have any dedicated plastic bins or bags that will fit beneath your bed, you can try utilizing a bookshelf! Use the shelving units in the bookshelf as dividers to organize your belongings. 

5. Try Drawer Dividers for Small Items

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If your bureau is cluttered, then try drawer dividers! These are especially useful for storing small clothing items, like undergarments and socks. This helps you keep everything tidy. Plus, you’ll be able to see everything more easily by having a separate divider for each item. 

You can purchase drawer dividers inexpensively. Or, you can use the cardboard ornament storage dividers. 

Bathroom Organization Hacks

Bathrooms are known for having limited storage space but having a lot of small items that you need. With these organizing tips, you’ll be able to find a spot for everything in your bathroom, even if it’s a small space. 

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6. Hang Cleaning Bottles on a Tension Rod

Make the most of the space under the sinks in your bathroom. Get a small tension rod on your next Target run. Hang it under your bathroom sink inside the vanity. This will give you a space to hang the cleaning bottles you keep under the sink. Now, you have more cabinet space freed up!

7. Try a Magnetic Strip or Mason Jars for Tiny Toiletries 

Do you have overflowing bathroom drawers or toiletry bags? Get all those lotions organized by using a magnet strip. This can hold metal containers for cotton swabs or objects like nail clippers. Now, they won’t get lost or create clutter.

Mason jars and small bottles in various sizes are also perfect containers for storing things like hair ties and makeup brushes. Since they’re clear, you can easily see what’s inside them without hunting for your favorite moisturizer or lip balm.

Plus, when you use a magnetic strip with tins or mason jars, you’re eliminating eye clutter. Branding and labels can cause distractions when we’re trying to prepare for the day.

8. Add Space Over the Toilet 

In most bathrooms, there’s empty wall space above the toilet. This can be a valuable space if you’re trying to get your bathroom organized while still keeping with your sense of style. 

You can purchase a shelving unit that’s designed specifically for going over your toilet fairly inexpensively. These are great to use as a towel rack or for additional storage needs.

You can also install a new medicine cabinet with doors. This can give you some closed storage for medications. A Floating shelve or wine rack is also perfect for towels or additional toilet paper rolls. 

9. Add Baskets for Bathtime Toys

Keep those favorite bathtime toys and accessories together with a plastic basket with holes for drainage. There are so many cute and functional storage containers that you can use without sacrificing your decor and style. This will make cleaning up with your kids that much easier.

10. Create More Storage with a Hutch

One of the most common bathroom problems is not having enough space. Adding a cute metal or wooden hutch to your bathroom can add a lot of storage space. A hutch is great for storing things like extra toilet paper and towels when you don’t have a linen closet.

Kitchen Organization Hacks

Kitchens are full of gadgets and accessories to store. Getting creative with the space you have, and using these tips, will help you find a logical and useful spot for everything you need. Making the most of the space you have is so important and these organizing tips will help you do just that. 

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11. Hang Essentials In Cupboards

An easy way to add more space to your kitchen storage is to add some hooks to your cupboards. You can use these for hanging coffee mugs, measuring cups, or even cooking utensils inside your cupboards. This will help you free up kitchen drawers and help you tackle clutter. 

12. Organize Your Canned Goods

There’s nothing more frustrating than coming home from the grocery store thinking you have something in your pantry, only to realize it’s not there. By organizing your canned food, you’ll be able to know exactly what’s in your pantry. 

You can do this with a magazine file, which tends to fit cans perfectly on their side. Stack them so you can easily scan, grab, and cook! You can also use magazine files for other objects, like seasoning containers if you don’t have a spice rack or a lazy susan.

13. Store Spices in a Drawer

Spices are so easy to access to find when they are placed down in a drawer. Just be sure you keep the lids closed after use so they don't spill. This will also help you see what you have so you don't buy something you don’t need!

14. Add Command Hooks or Interior Hangers to Cabinets

Using Command Hooks and hangers inside your cabinets is a great way to add more space to your kitchen. Under your kitchen sink, you can use hooks to hang cleaning supplies on. You can also hang towels inside your cabinet doors so they’re not sitting out on the counter. 

15. Use Dividers for Your Junk Drawer

Nearly every kitchen has the infamous junk drawer where household items eventually end up lost. Take control of this space with some dividers. These dividers can help prevent items from becoming strewn about. This makes them easier to locate and find. Plus, you can store similar items in the same divider to keep things organized and save time.

Living Room Organization Hacks

Living rooms are often the heart of the home. They’re also one of the main clutter collector rooms in your home. These tips can help you cut down on the clutter and give you a comfortable living space to enjoy with your family members.

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16. Use Wall Space Vertically 

Getting creative with your wall space can make a huge difference and help to save space. This genius hack makes use of vertical space in your home. Getting smaller shelves can help you stack your items for display. 

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Shelving is also a great way to give you more space in your living room. Display books, candles, or photos to add your personal touch to your space. 

Adding stylish storage book boxes is also a great way to have a clean, designer look with smart storage. This way, you can store things for your hobbies like craft supplies to help keep your house tidy.

17. Utilize Space Behind Your Sofa

If your home has an open floor plan or if your sofa is not against a wall, take advantage of that space. You can add a small table or bookshelf for storage. Use baskets and small containers to keep things organized on the shelves. An elegant, large basket is great for holding blankets.

18. Add Bins to Keep Coffee Tables Clutter-Free

As the center point of your living room, it can be easy for your coffee table to become cluttered. Add a pretty basket or storage bin to the table to gather the tissues, remotes, and other things on your coffee table. 

19. Use a Coffee Table with Drawers or Tiers

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If you do need to store things on your coffee table, try one with drawers or tiers. This will allow you to still have a coffee table without having the items you’re storing to be sitting out all of the time. You can even add drawer organizers to keep these drawers organized so they don’t turn into a junk drawer.

20. Hide Cables and Cords 

Hiding your cables can instantly clean up a space. There are lots of different options available to help hide a variety of cables and cords in your living room. 

If the cords all belong to different devices, you can color-code them with tape or twist ties to help keep them straight. You can also use cable staples to lay your cables flat against the wall.

21. Try an Entertainment Center for Your TV

An entertainment center for your television allows you to beautifully display special knick-knacks or books. Having one with doors so you can hide the TV when you’re not using it can help keep your space feeling neat and clean, too! Plus, an entertainment center is usually large enough to hide cords behind.

Professional Home Organizers Can Refresh Your Space

Planning out your home organization's challenges before you start is the best way to get started. We’ve laid out some helpful hacks above, but there are plenty more ways to ease the stress of being a homeowner and make life easier for yourself in these busy times. 

Home organizing can feel like a daunting task. But a professional home organizer can help you get across the finish line!

If you want help getting organized from a team that understands how difficult it can be one-on-one, call us today. Our experts will work with you on an individualized plan that suits your needs and budget so that organizing your space becomes less overwhelming.

At Neu Spaces by Jenn, our professional home organizers shape your space around your lifestyle. We work with homeowners and real estate professionals in the Jacksonville area to create your ideal space. 

Each of our clients receives a customized action plan based on their living situation and their needs. Together, we’ll find the best solution for your decluttering, home organization, paper management, and more. Contact us today for a free consultation.